Learning & Engagement

The Gillian Dickinson Trust offers support to charities in Northumberland, Tyne & Wear and County Durham, aiming to promote excellence in the arts in young people. The Gillian Dickinson Young Singers Programme offers workshops, training events and bursaries for young singers in the North East.

SING! Spring Intensive Weekend

In February we launched our new SING! programme in the North East which aims to support young people in the area with an interest in singing to take their talent further through a range of opportunities, leading into an accessible workshop audition this autumn. The programme started with an intensive weekend at Newcastle Sixth Form College where we saw 31 young people aged 10 to 14 coming together for a free weekend of singing. Watch the video to hear all about it from our participants and staff! 

North East Young Singers Intensive

More than 40 young people aged 10 to 14 came together in May at Sunderland City Hall for a free weekend of singing led by National Youth Choirs of Great Britain as part of the Gillian Dickinson Young Singers Programme. Read our full report on the activity and watch the video below.

NYCGB's Learning & Engagement programme has been working with Sunderland Music Hub to establish a young vocal leadership programme for 16-20 year olds in the city. Read more or watch the video below.